Sunday, March 31, 2013


In the book, World Wide Rave, written by David Meerman Scott, great knowledge of how to get involved with advertising and notifying people of what your interested in, your beliefs, or what your futuristic goals are. Its about letting people see your feelings from Boston to New York to California to Asia to Africa. Its about sharing your boldest ideas and your greatest recordings and getting people to view and like what your are saying and/or showing. Its about attracting the attention of groups of people that have no knowledge of what your trying to get accross until they read it and that idea continues to get spread from computer to computer, mouth to mouth.
This book really breaks down the way to go about sharing information whether its business, personal, or technical information and letting people, friends or not, see the true colors that each individual involved wants to show. If followers are built up on certain sites like Twitter, you want to be able to keep them there, so you continue to write what you think will continue to bring them back day after day, blog after blog, video after video. By being able to get one known follower or viewew of your information that is known by many others, that alone will help spread the points your trying to get accross and will help create a fan base. Its really one small saying, or fact, or follower that can trigger a world wide rave for yourself and the people that you may or may not be involved with. Its amazing to see what social media can do to a product that you are trying to sell, a video that you are trying to have seen, or a fact that you are trying to have proven, and the cool thing being is that its you, not somebody else, but you. Anybody can be involved with a world wide rave its just a matter of getting online and taking it one step, one person at a time, and letting the world see the valid, intriguing, and emotional things that you have to offer. Its the insight that one cant find just by surfing google or other search sites, its the personal feelings and emotions and beliefs that people have over certain things, products, or problems going on in this world or even a world thats imaginary. Just find your fan base, create new followers, and keep the followers coming back by putting information up that going to keep the reader reading.
Its a matter of these online fans wanting to be there not having to be. Its a matter of them spending their own time on your website, blog, or twitter, because you have thrown out the line and one by one you continue to pull them into the boat. This all being because your information is no better or worse than the person before but its different, its unique, it leaves the reader/followers wanting more and wondering where your rave is going to take them next. This book was a great read and i would recomend it to anyone that is looking to expand themselves or their products online and is just trying to figure out what steps to take in order to achieve certain goals.

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