When it comes down to the Tao of Twitter and my personal thoughts and views of the book, productive and positive thoughts are truly all that come to mind. Looking back at the opinions stated throughout by not just the author but other business partners all the way down to first time users, many intriguing facts and arguements were presented. Whether it was the first time user trying to send a private message to his grandmother or a hardcore business executive that was trying to send out a message to all of his partners following him; this book was relatable and easy to follow. It broke down the steps taken to master the art of Twitter and how to best use it to your advantage. Twitter is not just about forming relationships online or generating new business partners but learning how to best interact with these people and knowing how to say the right things to keep people reading and interacting with one another. Anyone is able to give Twitter a try and create followers but in the Tao of Twitter it strictly states that although the effort is made, Twitter wont work for everbody. It also states that generating followers on Twitter doesnt have to do with the amount of followers one person may have but rather whom those followers have and the relationships generated between them. Most importantly make sure the the constant updates and opinions are tweeted and that over time relationships may fade or change. Blend both business and family/friends life, dont shy away and try to seperate the two instead add them together and watch it take off.
In my mind I would not change the statements in this book or the opinions given by Mark Schaefer. I strongly believe that when it comes down to Twitter and other social media tools the more advice and facts that are able to be given and processed mentally, the better. If you havent read this book I strongly recommend that you buy a copy if your involved with Twitter in any way.
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