Planet Earth Is Here To Stay. Actually You May Want to Think Twice About That!
GoGreenStayGreen- Its not just a catch phrase, its so much more. Its about the environment and letting it prosper and grow for future generations to come. Sad thing is, this planet may not be around a hundred years from now, maybe not even ten years from now. We all think about the environment and the changes that we see in weather and seasons but how often do we actually think about the changes that each of us individually make.
A man in New Hampshire by the name of Christopher Ywoskus has just recently started a small family run organization that is not based on the green that we keep in our wallet but the green of the environment and watching it shine. He strongly believes that one small step could turn to gigantic strides if we all join together and start to think about how we are affecting the trees, plants, oceans, and atmosphere in negative ways either by the cars that we drive, the foods that we eat, or the trash that we go through. So many things influence this planet that we live on and after talking to Chris, I started to realize that my own self, need to make changes, big ones, in order to make a positive change for not just myself but all humans around me.
Christophers company is located in one of the greenest states and lease populated so you may ask why?> He says that he got tired of going to the dumps, grocery stores, and restaurants, and seeing no recycling or reusing products of any kind. Whether this be plastic grocery bags, cardboards, glasses, or any type of product that can be used more than once. If not used more than once than melted down by Chris' company and remade and then redistributed to these big corporations, retailers, or single family households. This wont only help the companies save money and the environment but will be spread by employees, customers, and your average joe from ear to ear which will cause a great deal of respect, honesty, and integrity for any person that has good morals. Continuing to bring them back to your place of business, knowing that you as a company are doing the right thing for this beautiful planet and the futures of your families and friends. If questions or comments do arise feel free to contact Christopher Ywoskus at
chris_y77@yahoo.com or by telephone at 603-321-3606. You can also head down to his place of business at 101 Hazlenut Drive, Naticktown NH, Monday through Friday from 6 am- 9 pm.
This has been Ron Jonston, signing off with UNCMBC